It's true, when you pick up two cute little kiddos from daycare, and one of them is still sleepy and lays her cute little head on your shoulder everything just feels better. Plus it's just plain fun to run around like you're five.
A little dark, but I can't find any software on this PC that will change exposure. This is one area that Macs just totally kick butt, iPhoto is standard people. And aperture, swoon. I digress. A photo by Hogan:
It's a little fuzzy, but so cute. I had the camera around my neck still and let him pull me around walking just in front of me. "Amber I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.... what button?"
House wise things are still heading on the good road. Actually something really awesome happened today. My sheetrock guy, Duane (guessing at the spelling) finished up today and while I was out spray painting the natural gas line he talked to my mom. He asked her if all my hard work was for show or if I was always busy like this. She said I always was and he told her he was so impressed by my work ethic that he isn't going to charge us for the work. I was so flattered when she told me what he had said. I am working my butt off here so it's nice for a real tradesman to take notice. The dishwasher also came in today; more about that tomorrow when it gets installed. Also the gas man comes tomorrow, the inspection from the city went great today, got my green tag, so dare I hope second time is a charm? Hot water here I come!!!