Even though I might be going slightly crazy:
I can still clean! Yes, that's a vacuum, not a weapon. Although it is a weapon of mass bug destruction. I put a door on saw horses today and when I came out to put the second coat of paint on it there was already a huge web on it, what is that about? Not cool God, not cool. If there is a message in spiders I'm NOT getting it. Anyway things are going better. After all that mirror is in my kitchen and out of the bathroom, which means the bathroom is starting to get worked on. I think I am going to leave the bathroom as a blog surprise. Remember it was the most disgusting part of the house and I had no idea what to do with it. Well things are happening. Also the fence is done:
Yeah, 2,812.40 dollars later. You do realize I only had one side done right? Now I really want to roll the side yard flat and put gravel and flowers and trees in planters there, but it will have to wait. Even Franklin looks pissed. I told the fence guy I had to take pictures of everything he's all, "ya, I noticed that..."
I have a pressure check for the gas tomorrow, then I have to paint the pipes, so I might have hot water very very soon. I am watching my little friends Karsen and Hogan for until Sunday noon, so I might not be able to update as much as I like.