Okay so I have been working on this project for almost a year... the shame!
This is from the lot of vintage patterns I scored from a family friend. It is so darling and I had the pieces knit up, and the thing seamed even for oh, a half a year or more. But the crochet, oh crochet, how you vex me! It had crochet edging all the way around.
I finally figured out that I wasn't going to be able to get good enough at crochet in time for me to finish this to my liking to fit little Tutu. So my friend did it for me and it turned out so awesome!
Vintage buttons from one of the only sales I went to last year (I am going to do better this year).
Sparkly Pants wore it today and spit up all over it. My mom and I managed to mop most of it up so I could take some photos. I should have taken the photos before, but you know, a finished knit you have to wear it!
Because they make everyone so happy!