Tuesday and I have a new routine as of late. She is changing so much I don't know how long it will stay like this, but for now: It's slow in the morning. She wakes up, I can hear her playing (around 7:30 so early for me!!!). I bring her into our bed and cuddle up with her while I nurse. We clean upstairs, put away laundry, play and slowly make our way downstairs. Breakfast time is new for Tuesday, she loves it!
Looking out the window.
While I get a tiny bit of computer work in and eat also.
Cashew butter, toast and papaya, thanks mama!
Then we clean up, get dressed, I shower while Tuesday bounces (what to do when she outgrows her little seat? I have no idea!). Since things take much longer with a baby (toddler?) by now it is around eleven. I take her into her room, lights off, fan on and nurse her. Then this magical thing called a nap happens (three days in a row I might add). I run around like crazy and clean up after the breakfast mess, etc. She wakes around 1-1:30. I take her back into our room and nurse her on the bed while she wakes up. This is a new thing I'm trying and I think it might be my favorite part of the day. She always wants to bring her dolly in with us. Then you know, she takes a couple of conference calls:
"What's the code for this call?"
"What did you just say about that calibration window matrix thing?"
"Ugh, listen to me people! I'm your team leader damn it!"
After that stressful work is done we have lunch. Then we clean up from lunch. Probably have to go potty by now.... Run down to Ribbon Jar land and do as much work as we can cram in before baby girl starts getting CRAZY (mama hold me!!!). I have her do a little circuit down there: push a cart around, stack empty boxes, pull all my envelopes out of the basket, open and close the lid of the dehumidifier, get all the blocks out of the cart, try to eat the recycling, bounce in the Merry Muscles, eat plastic dolly's head, eat play silks, eat giant bouncy ball (never ends well), eat microscopic things if I haven't vacuumed in the last 2 minutes, pull on my pant leg. REPEAT.
Usually my mom comes to visit by now and I say, "pretty please can you take my packages to the post office?" She always says yes. Love you mom!
Oh no distracted!
Upstairs, more milky, try to nap, but it doesn't take. More play time, dinner making, baby chasing:
After dinner clean up/bath time. Lotion, stories, quiet play with mama and papa, milky, bouncing, rocking, bed (anywhere from 8:30-9:45)...
In the night little whimpers sometimes means more bouncing (by papa) then one feeding at least, maybe two.
I figured I should write the day down as it is now. Since it is only as it is for a while before it is something completely different. I am enjoying these days, with that nap time they just seem like I have so much time to do things! Writing it all out we are still very busy, and this doesn't include an outing (most days we just stay here honestly). I have to figure out how to work in a daily walk. We are down to only a few a week. She is changing so much though, I love this time!