So now that Tutu is in "big girl undies" during the day (Bj says we can't call them panties, in case we ever have a boy, for consistancy's sake :) Her small stature is made even smaller! This was no problem when there was a lot of fluff on her little buns, which bulked up her butt. So I took matters into my own hands for Miss Zero Percent and make a couple pairs of pants (using this book as a guide). It really is so easy. And hey even if you mess up it looks cool:
I sewed the sides of the pants together and realized the shirts hem was inside out, but it looks neat (and I didn't want to pull it out!). A favorite pair of cords wore out at the knees (mine) so I firgured I try the same technique with them:
It worked great! Since you use the hem of the pants that is already there, it looks pretty professional I think. I still have to perfect my pattern (made by tracing another pair of these I made earlier this year) so that there isn't as much extra fabric in the front, ideas?