Well, we got a decidedly late summer start here and I've had no desire to welcome fall anytime soon. With temperatures looking high into the next week I don't think I'll have to. We have not necessarily been super busy, just having a good time loving life. Helping this is the fact that I really truly think I kicked my diet coke habit. I don't know what came over me really, the day before I decided to stop I bought a 12 pack! Overall we have been eating local and organic (and yummy summer fruits and veggies, yum!) so I think I knew it was coming. I just started thinking about the chemicals and processing and I snapped, quit cold turkey halfway through a can. It's crazy because I only ever quit one other time, while pregnant, and I'm not pregnant now and I can really tell this time the difference in how I feel; so much better. I eat so much less, I have so much more energy. I know that doesn't seem right since it's supposed to give you energy (and it was my only source of caffeine), but I do! I've been working out again and I'm hoping by my 30th birthday (on the 30th—cool, huh?) that I'll be at pre-baby weight (totally doable I only have 1.5 pounds to go).
Now a photo recap. We've been visiting Hazel and William:
(my favorite shot from a photo shoot I did over there).
We visited another newborn. Tuesday was a fan:
The newborn (who I'd like to point out has more hair than my 19 month old daughter) was not so sure about her:
Hehehe, such a cutie.
I started collecting things for our new play kitchen:
It will be no problem getting picture of Tuesday playing with it because she love, love, loves it (that should tell you how bad I've been about snapping things around here).
Tuesday and I went Blueberry picking for Salem Neighborhood Harvest. Her second time, my third. What a great program. We pick bushes/trees that have been donated and half the harvest goes to the food bank. The other half we get to keep. I was informed by another picker that if you want 1/2 cup of blueberries a day you need 70 pounds a year! (My breakfast of late is 1 cup cereal, 1/2 cup soy milk and 1/2 cup fruit)
I would not recommend letting a toddler go nuts in a blueberry patch unless they are potty trained, I think they'd get a terrible rash... no self control. Every time I looked over she was stuffing handfuls in her mouth.
We had a play date with crew girl babies toddlers:
Soon this shot will be impossible, such busy little people! Tuesday's been growing I think, she looks as tall as other kids her age now (she was never that short though, just skinny). And I've gone through her clothes three times in the last month!
Tuesday has probably 50 signs she uses (we taught her ASL). I started writing them down, but she picks them up so quick! She also says mama, papa and nana in the sweetest little voice. Other words like Seana (our neighbor), dirt, and yes come and go. She does do a mean firetruck impersonation though.
I'll leave you with a video I shot on my iPhone during dinner, man I love this kid!
And a few notes: I updated the side bar with more dailies, updated reading list, and some fun links. If you ever want to check in between posts my twitter status is over there too (here is a direct link). I'm guessing posting will be light the rest of the summer!