Tuesday and I had a day up in Portland today and on the drive back while she was sleeping (yeah!) I had some time to do that daydreamy thought thing. I sometimes have thoughts that maybe scrapbooking is a waste of time and supplies... like when I go on a fun scrapbook supply buying binge. Why don't I just put the photos in the book and write a caption? I mean it would be so much easier and less time consuming. But in my musings today I decided I like spending the time on it all, and I like the supplies. But the main thing for me is that I DO print out all of my decent photos. I have them in boring black faux leather albums that we can flip through whenever we want. For me the scrapbooks elevate certain photos and stories, and I love that.
It got me thinking back to my first scrapbook. I talked my dad into giving me the same amount of money that a pre-made senior scrapbook would cost. With it I bought a Canson spriral book, one of the early CK issues and some supplies. I still love this thing (even though it has a few pages with post it notes where finished layouts should be!). I'll share a few pages (the cover I modge-podged with a class project from my New Mixed Media class):
The opening pages. Our school colors were orange, brown and gold... really.
I need to do another one of these pop culture pages, so fun to look back on now. I still can't believe I've kicked the Diet Coke habit after 15 years!
Random stories that didn't take up a whole page (I should do this again too!).
Ah the free time of a teenager, I think I've been to three movies in the last year.
I'd love to see links of your first scrapbooks!
Ok a few more recent things, I vered off the kit a bit, but I got a lot of layouts out of it, so try one out!
Tuesday and her love of beets. :)
Sweet girls :) I just traded out the pictures in the frames in our bedroom after a few years (refreshing!) and wanted to scrap them, as they are some of my favorites.
A simple one about Tuesday's first trip to the fair last year.
I think this might be my favorite one (finally found the layout I got inspiration from it is here). I love me some brads. And those old Doodlebug letter stickers... and the subject matter of course :) I am going crazy scrapbooking lately, in addition to these I did three more, plus all the kit ones plus three tonight!
So happy scrapbooking to you!