Today was a super busy totally fun day that involved swim lessons, chickens, a splash fountain, skinned knees, and long drives. But of course I took no pictures so I'm sharing some from a week ago.
I got this tub of beans idea from Sew Liberated, who was a trained as a Montessori teacher and has lots of great ideas for the toddler set on her blog.
IT'S SO EXCITING! We got the big bag of pintos from Costco and then added in a few small bags so she could pick out big and little beans.
Good for dumping, pinching, and scooping practice. We had this under the bed bin left over from college and I'm glad it has a lid. When things start to go overboard (and she stops helping them go back in) we wave bye bye to the beans and put the lid back on. A note though, since I didn't wash the beans I was shocked how dirty she got, especially the first few times. Makes me want to wash all my beans a little bit better!
Also, if you've asked me a question recently just wanted to mention that I do answer them in the comments section.