This is a little happy space up stairs that also got re-painted when I had the stairwell freshened up.
It's such a tiny space (to give you and idea the rug is 3x5 feet). The space between the bookshelves only about four feet, and my husband only has a couple inches clearance to stand up in it (he's 6' 4").
I never thought I'd have any white walls in my house, but this proved to be a really tricky area. Any color was horribly distorted by energy saver pot lights, an incandescent bulb in the fixture, and lots of shadows; even it if looked ok in the natural morning light (this little window faces east).So white it is, and I actually like it!
In fact now that I've reorganized it a bit I love it.
I keep all my knitting books here, all the needles, my wheel and my favorite yarn and fiber.
This little dormer space was always in the house (though in a bare attic when I bought the house). I had the window seat and shelving units built. I only wish I would have made the window seat much deeper (it's about 18"). I was pregnant when I drew this up and I felt like a whale sometimes so I guess I figured I'd be way smaller post baby... but I can barely squeeze between the bookcase to lean on the wall. It's okay though because we're almost always on the floor (unless there is rain, or a school bus, or garbage truck, or...). I had the shelves made really tall just to fit my photo albums. I have about five years in them, after that the pictures get pulled, scrapped, or filed into deep storage.
I moved things around so one cupboard could be full of Tuesday's toys. Right now I have furiture for this dollhouse and some plastic people for her to play with. I'll share with you what I found in those cupboards later. It's a little embarrassing.
Oh and I've had some requests for books that I use to get ideas for Tuesday projects.
First Art: Art Experiences for Toddlers and Twos
Creative Play for Your Toddler: Steiner Waldorf Expertise and Toy Projects for 2 - 4s
How To Raise An Amazing Child the Montessori Way
Gymboree 365 Activities You and Your Toddler Will Love: Fun Ideas for Your Toddler's Growing Mind!
The Toddlers Busy Book: 365 Creative Games and Activities to Keep Your 1 1/2- to 3-Year-Old Busy
I also love these two blogs for projects with toddlers. These women are such inspiring mothers to me.
Sew Liberated (a former Montessori teacher and now a mama)
Lovely Design (I'm lucky enough to have one of her address files, her whole life seems beautiful to me)
Any really great toddler mama project type blogs I'm missing dear readers?